Areas of Practice:

Dilraj (Dil) Singh GOSAL
Barrister & Solicitor, B.A. J.D. LL.M.
Lawyer-Attorney for BC, Canada & Washington State, USA Courts
"A legal resource for those criminal defence · cross-border car accidents · DUI / DWI · personal injury · criminal law cases including: aggravated assault, attempted murder, criminal negligence charges."
Dil is fluent in English and Punjabi.
DIL GOSAL, Criminal Attorney & Personal Injury & ICBC Claims Disputes Lawyer
Grandview Corners Offices
#250, 2411-160th Street
South Surrey, B.C.
Canada, V3W 3A9
Phone: 604.719.1360
Email: Dil Gosal
Web: GosalLaw.com
Articles on Criminal Law Courts by Dil Gosal
Criminal defence lawyer Dil Gosal
"... will work hard and advocate zealously for You in order to protect Your rights. That dedication is consistent whether it be a speeding ticket or a homicide, a fender-bender or a brain-damage case, a small claims matter or high-stakes corporate litigation."
"As lawyers, we are often the voice for the accused, the silenced and the injured.
From this, we understand the awesome position that we are in; the position You are in; and from this develops our unfailing conviction and resolve to work with You during these times of strain, to keep You apprised of developments in Your case, and to explain the process to You."
Mr. Gosal has sought Global Perspectives on the Law.
- Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) (Gonzaga University, Washington State
- Master of Laws in Criminal Litigation (LL.M.), (New York State
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) (UBC Canada)
- Professional Legal Training Course (Vancouver, Canada)
- Certificate of Equivalency LL.B., National Committee on Accreditation (Ottawa, Canada)
- Summer Readings in Law, St. Edumnd's Hall, Oxford University (Oxfordshire, UK)
- Summer Session at the University Of British Columbia (in cooperation with the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy and the Southwestern University School of Law (California) (Vancouver, Canada)
- Over 80 Hours of Continuing Legal Education Seminars since 1999.
A legal resource for those cross-border car accident / DUI (Drunk-Impaired Driving) / personal injury legal cases.
Prior to being called to the BC Bar, Dil articled to Glen Orris, QC, Senior Criminal Barrister, Vancouver; and articled to Marvin Stern, Esq., Senior Criminal Barrister of Stern & Albert, Surrey.
(see also Surrey-GVRD lawyers)
Continuing Legal Education in Law Includes:
- Race, Poverty, and the Death Penalty: Confronting Inequities of Representation (1999).
- New Strategies for Defending Youthful Offenders in Adult & Juvenile Court (2000).
- Misdemeanors (2000).
- Trial Advocacy (2000).
- Defending DUI's (2000).
- Criminal Law Semiar (2000).
- Domestic Violence Issues in State Courts (2001)
- Personal Injury Claims (2001).
- Coping With Confessions (2002).
- Defending DUI's (2002).
- Criminal Law Seminar (2002).
- National Criminal Law Program -- Criminal Evidence [5 day program] (2003).
- Impaired Driving and Driving Under Suspension (2003).
- Forensic Issues & Geometry of Blood Stain & Spatter (2003). By Herbert Leon MacDonell, leading world criminalist expert on blood-spatter
- Criminal Law Seminar (2004).
Contact Dil Gosal, Criminal Defence and ICBC Claims Lawyer · Attorney
DIL GOSAL, Criminal Attorney & Personal Injury & ICBC Claims Disputes Lawyer
Grandview Corners Offices
#250, 2411-160th Street
South Surrey, B.C.
Canada, V3W 3A9
Phone: 604.719.1360
Web: www.GosalLaw.com
Email: Dil Gosal WABClawyers@aol.com
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